Supportive care refers to the delivery of care and support as required by patients. This care is provided in parallel with various treatments, as applicable, throughout the course of the patient’s illness.
Various healthcare professionals consistently work to offer a better quality of life to patients and their families. The main objectives of supportive care are to:
- Decrease the side effects of treatment and the effects of the illness.
- Ensure a better quality of life for patients and their families (physically, psychologically and socially).
The clinic provides different types of supportive care.
At the Victor Hugo Clinic, various professionals work to provide supportive care:
- Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy is a technique that involves physically manipulating and massaging the body. It uses movement or conversely corrects and reduces movement using various techniques or by applying restraints. The aim is to restore a physical function that has deteriorated, for example to regain the use of a hand after reconstructive surgery, or to teach it to adapt to its new state (teaching an amputee to walk with a prosthesis, for example).
Physiotherapy means treatment through movement. It works on the muscles and the joints. The aim of the techniques is to retrain the patient’s movement and posture. - Sophrology: Sophrology is a “training of the body and the mind to develop serenity and well-being based on techniques of relaxation and activation of the body and the mind”.
- Hypnosis: The Victor Hugo Clinic provides patients with virtual reality helmets. Studies have shown that hypnosis can reduce the amount of analgaesics and/or sedatives administered during procedures.
Patients treated with postoperative hypnosis tend to have lower pain scores and less nausea and vomiting. - Music therapy : Do you require surgery?
Consider preparing your own musical entertainment! Listening to music before, during and after surgery can significantly reduce pain and anxiety – and reduce the need for pain medication.
This is the conclusion of a wide-ranging study, the most comprehensive on the subject recently published in the medical journal: The Lancet. We strongly believe in this approach at the Victor Hugo Clinic! That’s why we will provide you with a sterile protective case for your MP3 player or smartphone and a pair of earphones. You will be able to listen to your music before, during and after your visit to the operating room!
The smartphone/MP3 case and headphones are included in the Comfort and Premium outpatient offers.
You can also purchase this music therapy kit separately for €9.
If you would like to receive supportive care, please let your department’s healthcare team know.